Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Three rocks sonnets from Myozan Kodo

Just finished reading these 108 songs and the treasure chest is wild open. Journey with its moments, faces from yesterday and closer, rags chewed by time and light, panels of the boundless robe.
Thank you, brother.

Improvised song for Myozan

Truly wonderful mountain.
When I gave you this name
I could catch a glimpse
Of this selfless poor majesty
Whispering with birds and brooks
Cloaked in clouds, mists and insect racket
I could see the treasure in the pebble
The staff in the twig
The robe in the green foliage
The first time we met
I knew the taste of mountain
Beyond doubt and time and space
A whole embracing body
Being sat
All things.
The sharp edge of its rocks
Shimmering in Kannon' s light
Living poems thrown in the wind
A place rustling with poets of old
Faces and places crossed and freed
I could see the suffering of your child
Your suffering in Mara' s dance
When you first disappeared
I could follow your footsteps in the blind night
Mountain walking
Mountain sitting
Mountain singing

Nine bows

Priest Taigu


Blogger Unknown said...

108 bows for your teachings.

12:32 PM  

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