Written during the gig given by the Butter Dogs in Kyoto on June 4th
For Hatao San, my friend and teacher in life and music
You'll find him
in books of sand
in tore up mists
dropped on ever green shores
You'll meet him
in dogs barking
drunk with rain pouring
with rain dancing
and slashing
in seals swimming up
the dreamy stream
of Tir na Nog
of Tir Gan Small
You'll hear him
in blue green waters
stired by windy storms
in the songs of the elderly
and the scream of a new born
You'll find him
in the meeting of lovers
undone by dawn
on the lips
of women
and maiden
soul and salt
of our life
In days and death
he will come to you
as gull, sea, cliff, hill
as past and future
turned into dust
as stony step and walls
leading to
heaven and grey cloudy light
he will be a handfull of leaves
a mantel of snow
poppies in a field
blood on children knees
as a kettle boiling
as a draft, a mere stone or weed
growing on the path
he will come
to you
and Hatao's web page:
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