The wonderful monk Dosho Port on his blog left a few prints about breathing in sitting Zen. After quoting Dogen's teacher, he writes as a conclusion to his short but insightful text:
Something as ungraspable as snow.
Let me put forward a few clumsy varitions to this already amazing verse:
I kind of disagree with the great Brad... Sitting -Zen would be "A kind of way of looking at reality"? No, because reality is always as is, looking at it in certain way makes it unreal. It could be "Reality watching itself, reality watching you". Brad could have phrased it differently like:" A way to look at illusion, or self-delusion".
In my limited experience, zazen exhausts both questions and answers, or if you wish, the need, the urge to be given a map to go and live. When ? and ! are dropped, we are taken back home, which is exactly here and now, a place we never leave. Then our being-time -here-and- now is a living question-answer. Action takes place and arises in this dynamic reality which is not anymore perceived or grasped through fears or hopes. Eating, we eat. Living, we live. Sleeping, we sleep. Or, if I put it another way, zazen is a way to redirect the flow of questions to the very source of our being-time, you actualize the fact that the answers are not anymore over there in books, traditions, teachings but that you arethe answer to all the questions you ask. Questions do not beg for an answer but are seen and experienced as a way to wake up to this reality without necessarily putting your paws on any definite answer. A way to wonder, not to wander. It is true that then the whole universe, from toilets to kitchen, work and family and friends and things become the living questions put to us.
Taïgu or Kuma San. French oddity, poet, writer, musician, artist and in love with life itself. Interested in unimportant things, people of no rank.
Started zazen in my teens, received the precepts as a Zen priest twenty five years ago. Received Dharma transmission in 2003. I believe that Alexander Technique provides a real and living understanding of zazen. It allows zazen to be alive , fluid and dynamic as opposed to what I met almost everywhere: a fixed and rigid form that feeds intolerance, arrogance and ignorance. Lover of Jizo and Kannon.
I was born in 1964 and because of my passion for life and art, I lived many lives in one. Jack of all trades, master of none. I now live in Japan.
Surnom : Kuma ou Kuma San. Vaguement français, poète, musicien, artiste et amoureux de la vie même. Passionné par les choses ordinaires, les gens sans importance. Ai commencé Zazen dans mon adolescence, ai reçu les préceptes de moine voici plus de trente ans. Grand amoureux de Jizo et Kannon. Je suis né en 1964 et, de par ma passion pour la vie et l’art, j’ai vécu plusieurs vies en une seule. Touche à tout mais ne maîtrise rien. Ai recu la transmission du dharma en 2002.